Need Spiritual Cleansing ?

Are you feeling like you need spiritual cleansing?
 Heaven - Cloud lights.   First, you need some cotton batting, a paper lantern, and three flameless candles. Pull at the cotton batting until it looks fluffy, light, and cloud-like. Then, hot glue it to the outside of the paper lantern in various places. Make sure its fluffed to your liking, then light the lights and stick them inside.
Are you feeling like you are on roller coaster- one day good, next day bad?
The energy is intense right now and I am finding many attachments invading people and animals right now. We are shifting to a higher spiritual plane and it can be quite uncomfortable. I will share a few soul coaching suggestions that can help you stay balanced, but first…
I received this email from a Mom last week and I just had to share.. 

I wanted to share with you- this morning Abby (4 years old) woke up and said her belly hurt, then she threw up. She said she wanted to do the candle ceremony… She kept saying that. So we just did it- I sensed a male entity on her. We just did the ceremony- immediately her belly felt better, her energy is different, and she is eating breakfast!! So amazing… And I think she is becoming aware of herself and knows what she needs. This work is SO wonderful!! Thank you for sharing all of your knowledge with the world!! Have a blessed weekend!! Love, Ali

Right on Abby!  The cinnamon candle ceremony helps release the earthbound entities and we will be learning and experiencing it in the upcoming Hanna class.

Perfect timing for this workshop….

The Amazing Teachings of Hanna Kroeger

Sat. and Sun. April 25-26   9:30-5:30 in the ANHC office  
4550 Eubank Blvd. NE Suite 205, Albuquerque, NM 87111

505-797-0540          Hanna Kroeger Class Information

What if you hold onto the emotional pain?  It could cost you your health, vitality, relationships, job, etc?  The good news is you do not have to suffer.. here are some ideas to get you unstuck..

  • Simple trauma release technique: Identify the who or what is bothering you. Name three words that are the truth about the situation.You will feel lighter if you named the correct words.
  • Use the Candle Ceremony as above.  It is in Hanna Kroeger’s Help One Another book- the book I use as my “health bible.”
  • Take a walk in nature and talk with God.
  • Make a biofeedback or integration appointment.  You will release the generational connection ( 7 generations back and 7 forward).  Call us 505-797-0540. New clients use this $25 off coupon on your first session.
  • To leap forward join the next frequency group – 2015 Awakening Abundance

More here!  Awakening Abundance Groupinvitefar2015
Starts May 6th.  This is a weekly long distance frequency group- every Wed, night I send frequencies to balance and harmonize and upgrade your DNA!   Results are amazing and with private sessions  recovery time from health issues is half of what it would be. 

A  member in the current group shared:

I joined Beautiful Amazing You at a time when I was juggling  several high-stress events: selling my home, packing/moving, doing my taxes, and dealing with a health challenge – all while running my coaching business. Beyond busy, I hardly had time to even think about the group. And yet… one day about a month into it I suddenly realized how incredibly – and uncharacteristically – peaceful I felt in spite of constantly dealing with way too many priorities. It also occurred to me how many compliments I’d been receiving recently about how “beautiful” I was. Louise’s energy transmissions had been healing and shifting things in me, aligning me with peace and beauty, without my having to do anything at all – this group truly IS amazing!

AC , Denver, CO


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